Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tenth Poem

I'm gonna write this one quick
Because I tend to regret everything I put down.
I feel lucky,
And regretful
All at the same time 
And I know it won't get better than that.
In the end, I blame myself
For my own confusion.
I should've picked up the hints..
If they were hints to begin with.
Or I should have questioned them.
I should've said that I had a great time, too.
I should've said that I couldn't wait to see you, too.
We were driving out of DC
And all I wanted to do was drive back
Hug you one last time.
Kissed you for the first time.
Even if you rejected me, it still would've been an answer.
It still would have let me sleep tonight.
But I'm laying in bed, months later,
Wondering where it went all wrong.
What did I do?
What did you do?
What did we ever mean?
To each other,
To you,
To me.
I miss you.
I miss my friend.
None of this was ever dramatic,
But it shook the earth for me.
It moved the ground below my feet.
I'm still wondering,
Did it for you?

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Ninth Poem

You're a bad person.
I could call you a bitch,
Piece of shit,
But you are a bad person.
I can't believe I wasted my time
Believing that I trusted you.
I can't believe I fell for it.
It's true, 
We were never really friends
If it is so easy for you
To get rid of me.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Eight Poem

I am an open book.
My facial expressions sometimes
Come out in letters
And my body language
Can whisper in your ears.
I will cock my head to the side
When you say something ridiculous.
I will tap my foot continuously
When I am waiting my turn.
But lately,
I look people in the eye when they talk
And mostly when I am proving
My own point.
I saw my name with the meaning
It holds from previous centuries
Trying to bring my family history alive
In two syllables.
I wear leggings that
Curve against my thighs
To let you know that
I am proud to be a woman.
I let my hair loose to show life
That I am ready for it
To be a refreshing wind every morning.
I walk as tall as I can
To let everyone know that I am here
And that I'm feeling good.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Seventh Poem

If you've ever heard of the phrase
"You have to love yourself first
In order to love someone else,"
You either have to think it's
Right or wrong.
I've heard several opinions on both sides.
"Just because I don't love myself
Doesn't mean someone else won't
Love me."
"Self-confidence simply makes you
Into a stronger person."
I am one of the people who believes
That the saying is correct,
But for both the opinions already said.
Yes, you can find a partner
Who will love you.
And you will love them back.
With or without a high self-esteem,
Someone will love you for who you are.
Yes, self-confidence makes you bolder.
You can create an image for yourself
Without caring about other people's judgments.
You, too, can find someone who will love you.

"You have to love yourself first
In order to love someone else."
The quote...shouldn't end there.
It should go on to say,
"Because if that person ever
Stops loving you,
You won't forget to love yourself."
This, I think, is more accurate because
Heartbreak is unpredictable.
When you enter a relationship
Because you finally find
Someone who loves you just
For who you are,
When they build up your self-esteem
To make you feel like you are
A gift to oxygen and not the
Other way around,
When they are your only reminder
As to why you wake up every morning
With a smile on your face,
When they break your heart,
They can stop whispering
Confidence into your ear.
Not because it's no longer true,
But because sometimes people leave
And with them their lovely words.
There will be days when you will think
That they were the only ones that
Saw that strength, beauty,
Intellect, curiosity within you.
There will be times when you look
At yourself in the mirror
Wanting them to hug you from behind
To reassure you that you look amazing.
If they ever decide to stop
Telling you the truth everyday,
They will also walk over
The pieces you've become
To get to the door.

"You have to love yourself first
In order to love someone else.
Because if that person ever
Stops loving you,
You won't forget to love yourself...
For everything you are.
Warts and all."
Just because you love yourself
Doesn't mean you are perfect.
It's not easy to realize how great you are.
Most of us still compare ourselves
To photoshopped, unrealistic images.
Some disapprove their own timidness.
Some can count their regrets.
Some focus on their past.
If I had to start listing everything
I believe is wrong with me,
It would probably outnumber
The number of days that I thought
I loved him and that he may
Love me.
He was an unrequited love
And I'm glad it stayed that way
Because if he would had finally said it,
If he would have done something to
Bring us closer together,
I wouldn't have spent nights over thinking
Every detail about me.
"Is it because I look younger?
Is it because I'm short?
Is it because I'm curvy?
Is it because, when I laugh, I snort?"
After days of hating myself,
My angel of a best friend
Brought me back to reality.
After days of hating myself,
I actually started liking myself.
"Fuck yea, I look younger than my age.
I can score me some kid tickets.
Fuck yea, I'm short.
Just means I can sneak around easily.
Fuck yea, I'm curvy
Because these legs are meant to kick some ass.
Fuck yea, I snort when I laugh,
Because if it's funny, I deserve to laugh.
And fuck you, but also thank you for not realizing it
Before I did."
Because when you learn to value
Everything that you are,
Flaws and all,
And when love from someone else comes around,
You will know how to say hello,
You will know how to say
Goodbye if needed.
You will have a list of all your lovely traits,
And you can check them off one by one
As they recite each one
As if they were the original author.
And, hey, it's not bad if they add
A couple of their own, too.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sixth Poem

(Inspired by Sara Kay's line "Your father is a warrior and I am a worrier.")

I am a worrier.
There are a jumble of thoughts
Scattered in my mind
Of everything I must complete
Before leaving you.
They are concerns that 
Keep me awake at night,
Make me pray every morning,
And taunt me throughout my day.
I know you wish that
I only worry for myself
But just because you're my mother 
And your job is to care for me
Doesn't mean I can't sometimes
Take care of you.
I give you everything I don't need.
They are not my leftovers,
But things I can live without.
I cannot make the same sacrifices
As a mother can,
But I can help you as a daughter
Who  thankfully already sees
And understands the struggles 
That a mother faces
To keep the younger ones
Well fed, clothed, and rested.
I can't give you all my life savings,
But I can show you that
At least for some time 
You don't have to worry about me.
Give me the opportunity 
To watch out for you.
Let me give you what I can.
Let me worry the way you do
So I can be the warrior that your are.

Te amo, mamí.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fifth Poem

If he makes you over think
Why you do regular things in life,
If he keeps you up at night
Without physically being there,
If he makes you nervous
Just by the sight of his name,
If he makes you look
In the mirror for too long,
If he makes you feel
All the wrong things,
If he makes you cry
Without saying a word,
If he makes you feel like
You have low self-esteem...
If he makes you feel like
You have no self-esteem,
If he makes you doubt yourself
About the decisions you make,
If he makes you feel worse
About yourself than better,
If he doesn't think about you
The way you think about him,

For you deserve so much better.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Fourth Poem (very rough draft)

I'm trying to find the word you remind me of
And I can only think of one.
I'm scared that I am using it wrong
But it's the only one that comes up.
Well that's not true.
"Bull" and "shit" are two words
That do come to mind, but the first
Actually seems more aggressive.
In my Feminist Thought class this semester,
We read texts about the feminist movement.
We go in depth about the inclusion of all women
In the movement in order to gain
A wider and more relevant perspective
Of those being a oppressed
Because, if isn't obvious,
We are not all white, middle-class women.
Intersectionality is a beautiful idea,
But there were several obstacles
Before finding a more appropriate way
To include all types of women.
Within the movement,
White feminism (or white women)
Oppressed women of color,
Women of different socio-economic backgrounds,
Women of "other"
By not acknowledging that they had
Different experiences than the "typical" woman.
But they were all fighting for the same cause, right?
Equality between women and men.
Equality between white women and white men.
To keep this short and not actually
Teach a course within this piece,
The feminist movement did not always
Lend an ear to women who experienced
Different types of oppression at the same time.
Ignorance from white feminism
Lead women to oppress women and their experiences.
But how is that possible?
How can the oppressed oppress?
In earlier stages of feminism,
White women spoke for all women
Because they did believe that all women
Would want the same benefits of sexual equality.
They believed solidarity kept the movement
But solidarity is not assuming that
One group of people knows what is best
For all people.
That all of those being oppressed
Have the same experiences.
As hard as it is to believe
That's the way you made me feel.
Saying that if someone dared to disagree
With the ways things were being done
That it would hurt our solidarity.
That if I had bad criticism,
That I shouldn't say a thing.
That if I said something against it,
I was okay with being oppressed by
The one that is actually oppressing me.
Yet every word coming out of your mouth
Felt like a slap in the face.
It felt like you were spitting at my feet
As you tried to make me see guilt
In my disagreement.
Just because I do not like the way
Things were executed does not mean
I am not down for the cause.
It does not mean that I do not realize that
I am being oppressed.
Believe me, I look in the mirror everyday
Notice my skin tone, my cheap clothing,
My breasts, I know that most odds are against me.
But you know what's really clear, too?
The fact that another person of color
Oppresses my speech as well.
Now you may not look at it that way,
Or else you might have not have said what you did,
But as I heard you speak,
As I heard every word spill out of your mouth,
It almost seemed like you were trying to preach,
But you were a blind preacher
Who didn't realize that every person not yelling an "Amen"
Had their mouth stitched, bleeding
As they tried to get their own opinion out.
You point fingers to the outside for their ignorance
But never look at a mirror because you
Don't dare have yourself pointed out.
You're right,
There isn't solidarity within the community of color,
But not hearing different perspectives
Does not make us unionize,
It only makes people like me invisible, mute.
But I write this poem to make you hear me.
Because I do not agree with you
And because I will not be a victim
Of another form of oppression.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Third Poem

I asked for an umbrella because
It seemed like the most reasonable
Thing to do.
I borrowed her hooded jacket because
She assumed I needed it.
I walked through the puddles and
Made it seem like it was
My only choice.
But here's the answer they never
Asked for:
I love the rain like people love snow.
The first rain of spring and
I wanted to feel it all over me.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Second Poem

Sometimes we get called crazy.
Sometimes we get called fake.
We are told we are not real artists
Because how hard can it really be
To string a few words together?
When I can express myself
Through pen or typing
I feel myself breathing the sanity
That I lacked for too long.
My words make me feel real
To this world where I sometimes
Feel that I am drowning in.
7.2 billion on this planet
And I'm the only one that can
Assure myself that I am breathing,
That I am alive and no one else
Can do that for me.
Yes, poetry is very convenient to write,
But cannot be written without
The passion of life:
The most real and sane thing
I have ever felt.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

First Poem (The Project Begins)

They don't tell you how different it is.
You watch it in the movies,
You hear it in songs.
But you never know heartbreak
Until he's gone,
Until he leaves you with so many questions,
Until you realize that you can't
Control what you're feeling.
The not knowing of how to
Explain how everything feels
Kills you the most
Because you don't know what he wants.
You don't know how to be his.
You don't know if he wants you
To be his.
Yet, you dream of him every night
And you imagine he's by your side,
Arms wrapped around you,
Legs intertwined,
No other place he wants to be.
You wonder if he feels the same way.
If he craves for your body to wrapped
Within his,
If he dreams about finally kissing you,
If he ever has the same questions.
And then you remember,
You can't make him love you.